August 30, 2007
Will Shit's Bday
His birthday was a little while ago, but he's such a good little shit kid, we just have to show some love anyway. Everyone showed up at Will's house; many dressed in a white shirt with a denim pocket in high praise of Will's favorite shirt who always wears. Maddness ensued at his house until the kegs ran dry and the bottles were broken. Then it was time for the ultimate Sally Rally, and nessecary group photo. good thing too because Will lives on top of a hill and on the way down there was a terrific bike accident. The girl on the right of the group photo, rode on Alan's handle bars (first mistake) down the hill and a sideways running drainage ditch fucked up their whole deal. Rumor has it she went face first and spent the rest of the summer hiding in doors. Happy Birthday Will Shit. 

August 27, 2007
54th st. Evening sesh
Filmed at 54th st. the other evening. Some fun chunky peaks came in.
Andrew Doheny has got his kung-fu kicks down
Doheny and more kicks. He pulled half a dozen of these this day.
Hoyer and his jump.
Punker was around enough to jump too.
This was after hopping over Hoyer's board which was right in the face of the wave.

Water Tried to Kill Me screening at WaveHouse, SD
ShoresCrew sponsored a party at the WaveHouse and showed the new movie, Water Tried to Kill Me. The SD Reagee band, One Drop played followed by The Shy's and then DJ Dax. The usual art, booze and stunts made the night a sucess. There was even live art by a couple grafitti artists. With five hours of free wave riding, everyone had a blast either falling on the thing or laughing at those who did.
Captain throwing heat.
Lugo, Tits and Captain
The Shy's played. After that DJ Dax did his spinny thing.
Lugo tuber.
Balls make it more fun

August 26, 2007
Playboy Girls Next Door/Wallin beach time
Billabong's Trilogy Sneak Premiere
While we were in Bali, Billabong rented out The Balcony at UN's hotel and had a super sneaky pre-premiere of their new surf flick: Trilogy. Trilogy stars their top boys: Andy Irons, Joel Parkinson and Taj Burrow. It was pretty good, a few notable slashes and punts. Stoked they used Placebo for the music in one of the parts. Other than that, I'll wait for Campaign3
Andy Irons blurred cutty
The crowd at UN's consisted of the Billabong team who was around at the time: Occy, Dane Ward and crew
Open Tabs are good.
Mark Healey, Betet, randoms, and Lugo
Casualty of the night.
around bali
Speedboat to Lembogan
koby abberton,
Back to Indonesia for AG
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