It was cold.

Shorts in the middle!

Tito is big pimping.

Gorman is so poor, he doesn't even have a watch.

Erica and friend.
In highschool you would get yelled at for leaning in your chair like that.

Check the time.

Evolution of plaid. Flannel plaid->Flannel->Stripes->Plaid Jacket.

Birthday girl and the biggest cupcake.


Powers of the cake.

The gigantic cupcake made Jordy sleepy.

This is where punker keeps his business cards. Precarious...

Naomi Peace.

Slater is the only one who sat perfectly still.

Girls shot, poached.

Kalani is in a heart of pink light,
the boys are in a rectangle of green.

Modern technology can be very engaging.

Kitchen crew.

Miller showing an example of a bad sun burn.

Oleema and Patrick.

If you go out, your roommates might be eating your food while you're gone.
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