So Tyson, Nolan, Sticky and I made another trip upto Mammoth to chase the storm and check out Volcom's Peanut Butter and Rail Jam. It snowed about a foot and a falf at the lodge and about 3 feet on top. Heres some photos from last night and today. Camera Battery was dead before that. sorry...

Big Fat Flakes!

Pee Art!

We Started the Day With Bluebird Powder Conditions

Then we waited in Line to be some of the first Down the Face of Chair 3. That was pretty fun and powdery, then a patroller told us to go straight to the gondola cause the top was ready to open. Tyson and I Got First Tracks down Cornice Bowl. Amazing!!!

More Fat Flakes on a Beer Break while nolan fixed his binding...

PBRJ Setup

After watching the contest and havin some beers, we decided to poach the closed back side of the mountain. Best Decision EVER! Thigh deep fresh all to ourselves. You just have to hike back...

Tyson and I slashing the cliff in sync for some reason...

Powder + Speed + Turning = Best Feeling Ever!!!

Took a group photo at the bottom... Nerds...

Then hiked back...
more photos to come!
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