Went to a fun little Kegger/Luau for a friends birthday. Things Quickly Escalated to an all out table top dance party Complete with extreme Kegstands, Fireworks, and a bizare ritual that involved slapping boxed wine bladders. Click on the pics to see them bigger and/or download them...

"So i call this the 'Pee-you-pants dance!'"

1. Stand on the table.

2. Start Dancing.

3. Take a bow!

First You Slap...

Then You Drink...


More Table Dancing

Bad Framing

Robert Giving Seany Orders


Normal Kegstand...

Austrailian Kegstand (no hands after a running start and 180)


Ruiz Is Alive!



Parker has got style!

Quick Throw a hundred towels on the ground!

One Of the Best Candid Party Crowd Shots Ever!

More dancing, cornwillio?

Broken glass! Dyson time!

At least their shirts are on this time...

Left The Bar

And Things Got weird...
P.S. The party host's blackberry was stolen on this wonderful night. Im pretty sure we were all friends there, so if you are the klepto who took it, or know who is, just make sure it gets back to her... lame...
Great work.