Our Summer's Never Over party took a dive underwater and didn't bother to come up for air. Good thing we brought snorkel masks! Once again we took over Malarky's, with the help of Arnette and Bartender Ben. Last party ((DISCO)) Malraky's recieved two tickets, one for hosting dancing and one for having a DJ. So this time, we uh... didn't do much different, except we hired a midget DJ and hid him under a bar stool.

Under the sea, the place to be!

Chiron fresh off the boat in port-hole vision.

Hooks for hands.

Sea monster!

Classy side of the bar.


Ocean cats?

Fish bugle.

Josh Yoches art.

Wearing protection.

Now a shorescrew party staple.

Sticky and Beancheese.

Chippa is hiding.

Tupman is back! and apparently has been.... nice.



Skawinski was amazing.


The galley.

Shit Kids never dress up.... psh

Girls fight over him on the internet? Nice.

Buy fish there.



Open Ocean Banana.

Chippa sezzz two moreee ppplease.

Yellow lips, tender moment.

The NIZ!

New wave Gilligan.

Party people.

Bbbbbest fu-wrends.

Well I feel better.
Four Parties, Four months, four Malarky's missions, four Arnette All Night Antics.
Four really hard Thursday mornings. Thanks for everything life!

Under the sea, the place to be!

Chiron fresh off the boat in port-hole vision.

Hooks for hands.

Sea monster!

Classy side of the bar.


Ocean cats?

Fish bugle.

Josh Yoches art.

Wearing protection.

Now a shorescrew party staple.

Sticky and Beancheese.

Chippa is hiding.

Tupman is back! and apparently has been.... nice.



Skawinski was amazing.


The galley.

Shit Kids never dress up.... psh

Girls fight over him on the internet? Nice.

Buy fish there.



Open Ocean Banana.

Chippa sezzz two moreee ppplease.

Yellow lips, tender moment.

The NIZ!

New wave Gilligan.

Party people.

Bbbbbest fu-wrends.

Well I feel better.
Four Parties, Four months, four Malarky's missions, four Arnette All Night Antics.
Four really hard Thursday mornings. Thanks for everything life!
Thanks for the link to Talk-Sports. We returned the favor and linked the page back to you. May we ask how we can get a link in your blogroll-sidebar? My email is randy@kbcafe.com.