My oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of booty coming your way. There was some skateboarding going down in the parking lot, but I was too busy "working" inside the party zone. With Coach Pete and TransWorld Surf's Chris Cote holding a couple microphones and uttering words into them, girls in bikinis walked around on the stage trying to earn themselves some cash. This act was obviously not the first time for most of them. The best two quotes of the evening were "Man I'm wasted. This is so much fun" and "I'll kill you and hunt down your family." Good times...good times...thanks as always to WaveHouse...

Keep those eyes up Mr. Cote

South African speed blur by Laz

Party Boy Pete, A.K.A Coach Pete to those dearest to him, loves girls in bikinis this much

This is what the world looked to the eventual winner

Professional ass photog Sean Brody likes the wide angle shot

Brittany Spears contemplating how many years are in a light-year

Who cares when her moon is on Huranus?

Posh Spice comes to WaveHouse San Diego... show us her coinpurse...

...and to smash her boobs together...

And who thinks that girls don't imitate Posh Spice?

Three blondes and a fountain

Line 'em up

Get out of the shot you nerd

Who likes trident?

"I do. I do," says Blackheart Brotherhood's Jarnold

Why do some girls have mustaches? If guys notice them, then certainly the mustachee or at least one of her friends would see it and shave that fucking thing.

Thanks for going the extra mile and waxing that shit

Heart-shaped Box. One of my favorite albums.

Turn around. Stick it out.

Even white boys got to shout.

Baby got back

Judges' nip slip

Boobies make Chris close his ears

Put your hands down. That ain't a gun in my pocket.


Cote really has issues

Make sure you spell her name right

How the hell do I cash this thing?

Monster was very specific with their can placement

Nice prize package

Say "Ahhhhhh"

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