Many of you may remember the infamous Red Jeep from the shorescrew movies and/or website. Or maybe you saw it driving over your mailbox or trashcans. Perhaps speeding and jumping around the beach late at night, or tearing up your favorite park. This thing has been through mud, snow over the hood, 8 feet in the air, through fences, around jetties, and even has 2 successful police-escapes under its belt. A few of you might have been lucky enough to be there for the "drive fast! take chances!" incident. But it has spent the last 6 years sitting at 61st street rusting away only getting used when someone in my family needed a backup car. And so today, it was given to a new owner, who is going to turn it into a racing jeep, where it will get the abuse that it deserves. So I must say goodbye to my first car and old friend...



La Boosta!

Unintentional mammoth rock jump...

Right After our first Premiere... Stupid City...





La Boosta!

Unintentional mammoth rock jump...

Right After our first Premiere... Stupid City...


My mustard will miss it's ketchup!! Tears....