May 31, 2009

Dusty Payne inside the Shit Box

We ran into Dusty while we were touring in Pascal's ShitBox.
He was most impressed with our ride. The waves looked kinda fun too.

Dusty ran back to his pile of crap car to change.

Dusty caught a few rights.

He did his patented fin toss.

And then again even bigger. Where have I seen this?

Then he punted one for a good ender to the session.

May 26, 2009

Erica's Bday

We went to tell Erica happy birthday, but we were late.

Sticky made himself feel better by finding a taco.

"Actually these pants came with the haircut." - Chase Wilson

Ford loves that balloon.

Happy Birthday Erica picture, with no Erica.

Bones and DShea share a moment.

Diet Coke went everywhere...

Reagan, all about the balloon hype.

Then the weird flash came out. It was imported from Kenya.

Bones and the best selling shirt.

The flash made people smile angry!



Sticky loves denim. Florian is tired.

Then we left.

May 22, 2009

VQS action in and around your mouth pt. no more

Just a couple more surf pics from the other weekend.

Dusty and the move of the moment.
This turn-air-huck thing is really bringing home the $$$.

The Alien, Gavin Beschen.
This is his money maker jam sandwich.

Mitch Coleborn flaring.

Bones looking in fine form.

Daniel throwing down. He surfed off to the side of the contest with a couple buds: Hoyer, Tom Curren and Gavin.

Daniel popping a little guy while Bones goes tumbling out the back.

This kid, Luke Davis rips.

Whatever, I heard he's really like 27.

Hoyer's always good for a boost.

Ford's Cruz Boosta-moƱte.

Ford's lazy-man cutty.


The Alien, all blacked out.

May 18, 2009

Step up your game.

We had a few chances to play with Socrates, the only infrared RED camera in the country. RED names all of their cameras. This thing is a beast and we loved it.

Look at that beauty!

Lowers trains tracks in infrared.

We filmed with Hoyer at Lowers and as the sun went down the water got so blue in the camera, which was even crazier because it was completely gray and cloudy out.

Hoyer putting on his wresting gear.

Lowers spot check, infrared style.

This day in Newport was also completely gray and through the camera it looked amazing!

Nat Young snapping it up at 54th st.

It will be mine! Oh yes.....

May 13, 2009

VQS action in and around your mouth pt. 2

More action from the weekend at 54th st.

Tom Curren, hell yeah.

Punker Pat airing it out.

I forget who, but that's nice.

Mister Meister again.

Punker slashing again.

May 11, 2009

VQS action in and around your mouth

During the VQS sometimes we get all filmed up on the action, so here's a few snaps.There's lots more so here just the first batch.
There was definitely some action going on all weekend.

The Alien made a showing. Lovely to see him in Newport.

Mitch Coleborn stopped by as well.

Punker Pat in and around the contest area.

Moysa's switch air.

Hoyer is up to something.

Something like hail-maker punts.

And other nifty smaller versions that are pocket size.

Bones cracking one around 1 o'clock.

Doheny and the tail toss.

Nate Yeomans rollio.

Bones rollio.

Mister Miester.

Eli Olsen from Hawaii. Skinny kid on skinny wave.

Matt Myers sliding into town, high on neon.

Bones on the rocks.

Mooooysa's hands tell the water where to go.

We'll leave you with this beautiful image of Hoyer, his long wonderful locks blowing in the breeze. "Is it onshore of sideshore?"
Just look at Hoyer's head.