August 12, 2008

A night turns Bachelorette party

We were enjoying a lovely BBQ on the roof when we got the call:
"Girls need venue for bachelorette party."  How about our living room?
And with that, our night changed forever...

Just a nice meat dinner.

She broke her phone in half...

she had to go on timeout.

Ciggy Chef.


The two on the right look easy to please...

Cheers Bachelorette party.

Bride to be.

Scandal room action.

Party people.

Then we found the blue pen and took control of the pickle.
So begins the adventure.

Tyson sported a blue mustache, pony tail and a fur vest.

Not sure where the werewolf came from...

Off we go.

Everybody loves the pickle.

Shooting beer.

Spitting beer.

This is actual Nolan's foreplay.

Pickle frown.

Girls like beer soaked bloody Nolans.

Like fangs.

little high.

Off we go again.

Tyson crashed.

We got tall boys.

Tyson crashed again...

And again.

Loppi is strong.

Tyson decided that it was a good idea to jump his bike from the backboard.

It was magical!

Tyson made it home!

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