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As soon as we got there these girls thought pirdy was famous...

SO he signed their bodies and they signed their phone numbers!

Nice camera! - lugo n pirdy

Look close at that poster - Contest sunbathers

So we get in the elevator and Hosseini starts dancing...

Sparking the elevator dance party! (we went up and down a few times)

Ultimate golf cart.

Morrisey Showed up wasted with a giant hat and we headed out

too drunk to get into the surfline party but able to sign autographs with apes and bananas

Banana with bananas! - Hills got what you need

Pirates with Promo! - Sticky attacks!

Pervey flyby shots...

Back to surfline!

Surfline Moochers like us... - Tyson peeing in a bottle seconds before his removal!

A & T

upside down? - Pascal, Julian and pascalifepartner patrick

Me n hill picking up chicks...

The many faces of Kracky!

day over!
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